Adjust U assists a corporate person’s transition to independent claims adjusting
We have talked before about the 5-star experience for the Adjust U learner. We have heard from students who have come to us at various stages in their life and from different walks of life. Some are straight out of high school or college, launching a career. Some are early in their career path and seeking the best opportunity to set themselves and their dependents up for a bright and rewarding future. Some are, as they say, “Changing horses in the middle of the stream” due to a layoff, downsizing, or disappointment in their current positions. Some are retired military or corporate types looking for something meaningful and financially rewarding to do before they ride off into the retirement sunset.
One thing they all have in common is this: they attest to the superior product and the high value of an Adjust U education. I believe the reason is this: We take an individualized, empathic, and patient approach to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.
We take an individualized, empathic, and patient approach to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Gene Strother, President of Adjust U
Not long ago, I received an email from one of our Claims Adjusting 101 students. His name is Stephen George. Stephen was on the corporate treadmill, looking for a way to get off of it. He wanted the chance to be his own boss and find success his way.
Below is the testimonial he sent me:
I couldn’t be happier with the education at Adjust U. Mr. Jonathan Rice and his team are a wealth of information. From the initial phone call to the first claim, they have helped me along the way. Hope you find it just as helpful as I did.
I have been working in the corporate world for the last 20+ years and operating a home inspection business on the side. I was looking for an opportunity to help remove the corporate day to day out of my life and supplement the spare time I have between inspection jobs. I was looking for a way that I could finally remove myself from Corporate America and be in control of my own time. I inspected a new home for a gentleman that was an Independent Insurance Adjuster and he told me to investigate getting my All-Lines Adjuster license out of Texas as they have a reciprocating agreement with many states and Missouri does not have a regulatory department specifically for Independent adjusters. This allowed me to get my license in Texas as a non-resident but claim them as my residency. After many hours of research, I located a company that looked like it checked all the boxes for me. They offered the initial All-Lines Adjuster License and many more that would propel my new career. After spending the weekend in Dallas, Texas taking the course, it took less than a week before I had all the required information to Texas State and a license in hand. While I was going through the course, Mr. Rice educated us on the in and outs of understanding policy and what a day of desk adjuster or field adjuster looks like. For me it was a no brainer, field work is what I love as I am not much for sitting in an office all day. As for the others that have the patience to sit in front of a computer then Desk Adjusting is right up your alley.
Getting your All-Lines Adjuster License is just the first step. I quickly realized that having the license is great and allows me to perform claims, however, getting the claims is another story. Many of the companies want experience and there is a lot that goes into packaging a claim up from start to finish. I had no clue how to do this and was concerned that I would not be able to get my return on investment unless I were to continue learning. This is where the Adjust U Claims Adjusting 101 course came into play. This is where you learn all the nuts and bolts of becoming an independent adjuster working on your own. Here is a 2-week course that teaches you the basics of Xactimate, Xactanalysis, field work (go out and perform a mock claim on Mr. Gene Strother’s parents’ home), applying policy to a claim and packaging everything up into a nice package for the insurance company. A bonus to this, is that if you have your adjuster license going into the course, you get continuing education credits that can be applied to your state requirements.
Shortly after completing the Adjust U course, I was able to get myself on the roster at Mid America Catastrophe Services, also known as MidAmCat in the industry. They work closely with Adjust U as they are always looking for quality adjusters. Once I got on the roster, I got my first daily claim within a few weeks. I was able to work the claim with the assistance of Jonathan Rice and Paul Griff. They helped me with putting everything I learned in Adjust U into action. My first assignment paid for the cost of the Texas All-Lines Course and half of the Claims Adjusting 101 course.
It was pretty awesome to see it all come together; I could not have done it without the help of the Adjust U team.

Stephen George
At Adjust U, we love stories like this because it lets us know we are on the right track, doing the right things the right way. We don’t just collect class fees and send you on your way. We invest in people. People is our business and business is good.
It was pretty awesome to see it all come together; I could not have done it without the help of the Adjust U team. Stephen George
If you are looking for a satisfying career as a claims adjuster or if you are a claims adjuster looking to sharpen your skills and add tools to your adjuster toolbelt, check out the Adjust U class schedule and find the class that is right for you. Or call us at 833-938-4545. Or email us at
Let us help you the way we have Stephen and thousands of others. Let’s get you on your way to a better tomorrow.