Mid-America’s Conference 2022 : Accelerate into Great Times & Golden Opportunities, Part One
[Note: Registration is OPEN and the Early Bird Discount available. Register HERE. Go ahead. Only takes a minute.]
Conference 2022 is right around the corner. We return to the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in beautiful Biloxi, Mississippi. The Conference dates are January 23 – 26.
Accelerate is our theme. We are going full throttle into the new year, meeting its challenges head on, hurdling its obstacles, seizing its opportunities.
The annual Mid-America Catastrophe Services Claims Conference is one of the highlights of the year. We are renowned for our bang-to-buck value. Always affordable, the conference is chock full of opportunities for knocking our CEs, networking with fellow adjusters, vendors, and clients, and establishing those all-important relationships with key members of the Mid-America Deployment and Storm Management teams.
As always, our conference features great times and golden opportunities.
Today’s feature…
The Adjuster Appreciation Dinner & Concert

This year is a 1920s theme
Bust out your best 1920s outfit and you could be randomly awarded a couple of free drink tickets or a gift card. It’s the roaring ’20s and we intend to have a roaring good time, celebrating life a Century later. The boas, the fedoras, the colorful dresses, the dapper suits…get decked out and dolled up and check in at the speakeasy, where the dining, the drinks, and the dancing are sure to make for a memorable night.
Get those dancing shoes on and come do the Charleston! You could get a free drink ticket or two if your elbow is tapped.
Special music is provided by the Ty Reynolds Band
A Nashville singer/songwriter, Ty has been doing it right and doing it good for a long time.
Hurry! reserve your spot today.
Click me and register now to $ave dough!
Tomorrow, we will highlight The Great Mid-America Giveaway! Stay tuned. This is huuuuge.