The News
WANTED: Adjusters ready to adjust

Join the MACS Team
For Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, we rolled more than 400 adjusters. We provided inside and outside adjusters for multiple clients and closed thousands of claims. Additionally, we service multiple clients for daily claims across the United States.
We work with some of the best adjusters in the industry. If you have not done so, why not take a few minutes and add yourself to our database of qualified claims professionals?
Do you have an active New York license? Or do you have an active New Hampshire license?
We need adjusters with both of these licenses as we have the potential with a new carrier to get work in both of these states, but need to identify licensed adjusters, specifically that have the New York license.
Please respond to:
and let us know which of these licenses you currently have in active status.

Meaningful Documentation

a word from manager Keith Craft
Hello Adjusters,
I want to take a moment to highlight the importance of adequate documentation and share MACS expectations thereof.
ALL activity should be documented and uploaded to Xactanalysis. Please avoid using generic canned statements, such as “spoke to insured inspection set for 07/10/2018” or “called insured set appointment” or “contacted” or “LMTRC”, etc.
Every claim should have meaningful documentation uploaded in Xactanalysis so that we are able to intelligently discuss the status of the claim should we receive a call from the Desk Adjuster. If you have attempted to contact the insured but were unable to reach them there should be a note that supports this activity. This note should include every phone number and email address and the outcome of the attempt (Attempted to contact George Smith at 555-555-555, unable to leave a message as voice mail was full). A legitimate attempt at contact within 12 hours of assignment is required on all claims assigned and should continue twice daily until contact is made.
Documenting a legitimate attempt has several parts:
- What number(s) did you use to attempt contact?
- How often did you attempt contact (each time should be documented)
- Was there an email address on the loss notice, if so you should email the insured through Xactanalysis.
- Did you contact the agent for additional contact numbers, if so with whom did you speak (their name)?
If you have exhausted all resources for contacting the insured for three consecutive days with no success, you should then send a contact letter and attach a copy of the letter to Xactanalysis. At this time you should also complete and upload a Status report outlining your contact activity. The Status Report will then be sent by the office to the Desk Adjuster so that they are informed of our difficulties reaching the insured. The Status Report should also include the phone numbers and email addressed you have tried. When the desk adjuster reviews the Status Report they may find there are additional numbers in the system and will forward these numbers to you.
Documenting a re-open or a supplement should follow the same process but may also include contacting the PA, contractor, or attorney.
If you are currently working claims for MACS, please implement this practice on all open claims. If you have questions, contact your manager.
Thank you for representing Mid-America Catastrophe Services. We appreciate your hard work.
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