The MidAmCat Newsletter, October 2020 | We are in the home stretch now!
Mid-America’s annual claim conference | San Antonio Riverwalk | January 17th – 20th

Robert Uhler, Executive Vice President
We are excited about our company’s biggest annual event and would like to provide you with a preview of some of the highlights! The conference is a time to network with our adjusters, provide some educational opportunities, and have some fun!
We start off on Sunday morning, January 17th with our annual golf tournament. This year’s golf tournament will be at The Quarry Golf Club. Dating back to 1908 the historic Quarry Golf Course was chiseled from stone to create the most dramatic golf course in San Antonio. Designed by Keith Foster in 1993, The Quarry offers one of the most unique golf experiences in the U.S.
We follow the golf tournament with our reception, banquet, and award-winning music by the Dallas Moore Band! Dallas Moore is an outlaw country singer who was influenced by Elvis Presley and Hanks Williams. This will be the highlight of the evening!
Monday morning, our opening session will highlight our 2021 initiatives, as well as provide a look back at our successes, growth, and expansion as a company. Mid-America is one of the fastest growing independent adjusting firms. We have enjoyed phenomenal growth over the past year!
This year’s claim conference will include our adjusters, client carriers, and our valued sponsors in attendance. The conference provides a professional networking with our Mid-America leadership, management, and staff.
We would like to thank this year’s conference sponsors!
Diamond Sponsors
Keystone Engineers + Experts
Platinum Sponsors
Knight Restoration Services
Stephens Engineering
Silver Sponsors
Assured Relocations
Bronze Sponsors
STWX Strategic Weather

In the home stretch now! Then what???
by Gene Strother, Editor & Vice President of Operations
From pandemic to pandemonium, 2020 has taken its toll and left its mark.
The prefix pan-” means “all,” “of everything,” or “involving all members” of a group. What started in Wuhan changed the world for eight months and counting – and in some ways, forever! No country has been untouched. No business has been unaffected. No family, no person has escaped its impact.
Besides a pandemic, we have experienced riots and unrest and the near collapse of some districts. We have lost too many lives and way too many livelihoods.
Add to this a hurricane season that, for only the second time in history, has cracked open the Greek dictionary after exhausting the English alphabet. (We are currently on Epsilon!) It’s like a hurricane frat party.
Through it all, Mid-America is thankful to have experienced a record year for growth. Our client base has nearly doubled. Our partnerships have strengthened and deepened. We have grown our active field and desk adjuster roster by 2,000 adjusters and counting.
October begins the final stretch, the fourth quarter of 2020. We do not need overtime. Let’s blow the final whistle, pick up what pieces remain, and take it on home.
Hello, Tomorrow!
What will 2021 bring? Well, if 2020 taught us anything it is this: we don’t know for sure! We will plan for the worst, hope for best, and keep reaching for tomorrow today! Conference 2021 promises to be the biggest shindig and celebration in our history – and not a minute too soon! We can all use a reason to dance, to sing, to celebrate, and to hope! Conference 2021 will give you just that. We will tell how we plan to begin Finding Tomorrow Today.
We are going to break the mold and break records.
Join us.